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Any quantity of jewellery is considered by our expert jewellers.

We buy: Gold, Silver, or Platinum Items, Diamond and Gem-Set Jewellery

Gold Watches, Dental Gold, Platinum and Gold Wire, Bullion Bars

Gold coins such as Sovereigns and Krugerrands and Broken Gold Items

How to Sell for Cash...

All our written cash offers are free of charge and without any obligation. We only sell to adults with personal identification, such as a driving licence, passport, utility bill, and the like. Please call into our shop and allow for approximately half an hour while we check the goods and assess the price we can offer. For some items, it may be necessary for you to leave the goods for longer periods.


P. T. Miles Jewellers works closely with the police to stamp out illegal activity such as reducing the likelihood of receiving stolen property. This is done by checking stolen lists and court record details made available to us to always assist the police in any way we can.

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